Product Manager for 6 Seconds

Yes, (6 seconds), you read it correctly!

Omar Abou El-khir
2 min readJan 20, 2015

Today, the growth of online video consumption is significantly increasing. For example, 190 million Americans (61% of the total population) watched an average of 397 online videos in the month of January 2014 [source]. Videos are visual with narration & audio so they package more information in less time compared to written content.

Shutterstock has collaborated with comScore to produce this video that showcases some of the key stats around the growth of online video consumption.

From a creator preservative, the problem with videos is that, to keep a good quality level, they are so tiring to produce and creating them is a lengthy process.

Luckily, with the lunch of Vine -6-second videos- a new type of videos was invented that nearly solved this problem in a creative way! .. That inspired me to launch “Product Manager for 6 Seconds” Vine series!

Product Manager for 6 Seconds #PM46Sec” is a series of Vines, showing the concepts of “Product Management”, tips, notes & thoughts, in a very short way -literally-!

Why a Vine?

  1. It’s Video — A picture is worth 1,000 words, what about a video?
  2. It’s Short — Well, very short, up to 6 seconds.
  3. It Loops — So, it’s like a lesson that repeats itself until being understood.


Well, yes, (6 Seconds) is a tough challenge!

  • How to transmit a meaningful message in 6 seconds?
  • Will people find it appealing or silly?

So I decided to take that challenge but “not alone”. You are all invited to participate in “Product Manager for 6 Seconds” series using this hashtag #PM46Sec on Vine.

Share a tip, a note, a thought or anything related to your Product Management experience but in 6 seconds! ;) … and don’t forget to add the hashtag #PM46Sec :)

And here is my first #PM46Sec Vine:

Who is the Product Manager (PM)? — “A PM is the person, who ships the product at the right time, while making everyone happy*, including customers.”

*Well, you can’t make everyone happy but you do your best!

What do you think about this idea? Any feedback? Feel free to share your thoughts and “Vines”!☺

Liked it? Recommend this post so people can know about! .. For more? follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Quora & “Vine”!

Thank you for reading! ☺


